
SHARE-CTD at 8th World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI) in Athens


As part of the 8th World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI) in Athens from 02.06.2024 to 05.06.2024 Prof. Florian Naudet (University of Rennes) will hold a symposium on the following topic: Toward responsible clinical trial data sharing practices. Within this symposium, Prof. Mansmann (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich) will also give a lecture on An initiative to train researchers and staff as part of the SHARE-CTD doctoral network. In addition to this lecture, three further lectures on the following topics are planned: (1) Clinical trial data sharing and the global south by Nchangwi Syntia Munung, PhD, Researcher, University of Cape Town; (2) COPE positions about management of empty promises by Daniel Kulp, PhD, senior director (American Chemical Society) COPE (chair); (3) Ethics and incentives for clinical trial data sharing by Jennifer Ellen Miller, PhD, Associate professor, Yale School of Medicine.

Further information on the symposium can be found here:
Further information on the 8th WCRI can be found here:

Paper published in Nature Medicine with participation of SHARE-CTD members


Members of the SHARE-CTD network coauthored a comment paper published in Nature Medicine (21st of March 2024) on "Understanding the provenance and quality of methods is essential for responsible reuse of FAIR data".  nature article ↗

SHARE-CTD members met in Paris for a first face-to-face meeting, after many virtual meetings to prepare the project



During the two days (February 15 and 16, 2024), we were able to meet on the premises of the French Ministry of Research in the Quartier Latin. We used the time to get a very detailed overview of the planned project activities, to discuss their interlinkages and how our project can benefit from the interaction with ongoing activities of other groups (IRISE, OSIRIS, TIER2). We also met with Christine Kubiac to discuss the role of ECRIN in our project. It was important to run through curricular scenarios in order to bring the planned research work, the concepts to be taught and the active work on data into an effective and synergistic relationship. Most importantly, we did prepare for the active selection phase for the applications received. Thanks to Prof. Dr. Bruno Falissard, a member of our scientific advisory board, for his first contact with us. Special thanks to Florian for organizing this intensive and focused meeting with the support of the Institut Universitaire de France.

The application period is over as of 1st February 2024


Thanks for all the applications. The named referees can access the application system with their individual links until 07.02.2024. The applicants will be updated about the status of and decisions on their applications in due time.

Closing date for applications is 31rd January 2024


Uncompleted applications have to be completed and submitted latest by 31.01.24 in the application portal, after which the system will be available only for named referees until 07.02.2024.

Selection Board established


For finalizing the recruitment process of the doctoral candidates, the Selection Board formed of all supervisors was established during the Jour Fixe meeting in January 2024.

Implementing clinical trial data sharing requires training a new generation of biomedical researchers


An interesting nature medicine article ↗ we'd like to share with you.

Making data sharing the norm in medical research


An interesting nature medicine article ↗ we'd like to share with you.

Data Sharing — A New Era for Research Funded by the U.S. Government


An interesting article in The NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL of MEDICINE article ↗ we'd like to share with you.